Joy this Christmas

We each express joy this time of year when Christmas draws near. We sing of joy and praise it in our carols, such as Joy to the World by Isaac Watts, during the holiday season. We speak of the joy of family, friends, and presents. Yet, for some this joy is overcome with the commercialization of Christmas and campaigns of keeping Christ in Christmas. We tend to overlook the origins of the first joy, the birth of Christ and the promise of His return.

An excerpt, “joy came to the world because God our great Creator loved His creation so much that He sent His Son to reveal His story, and so that over time, His character and ultimate good will toward mankind would be recognized.”

How then can we rejoice this Christmas season? Nehemiah 8:10, “Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Another way is through a time honored tradition of having an Advent Wreath with three purple and one rose-colored candle. The evergreen branches represent the faithfulness of God with the four candles representing the long awaited birth of Christ. In addition, a large white candle can be placed in the center, instead of the four candles, representing the important and light of Christ.

Take joy this holiday season in remembrance of the love God has for us and the promise He made through His beloved Son Jesus.

Have a thought? I look forward to the discussions.